HTML Entities

HTML entities are supported in markdown text, and converted to the corresponding UNICODE characters. The following table lists recognized HTML entities:

HTML Entity UNICODE character

! !
" "
" "
# #
$ $
% %
& &
& &
' '
( (
) )
* *
* *
+ +
, ,
. .
/ /
: :
; ;
&lt; <
&LT; <
&equals; =
&gt; >
&GT; >
&quest; ?
&commat; @
&lsqb; [
&lbrack; [
&bsol; \
&rsqb; ]
&rbrack; ]
&Hat; ^
&lowbar; _
&grave; `
&DiacriticalGrave; `
&lcub; {
&lbrace; {
&verbar; |
&vert; |
&VerticalLine; |
&rcub; }
&rbrace; }
&iexcl; ¡
&cent; ¢
&pound; £
&curren; ¤
&yen; ¥
&brvbar; ¦
&sect; §
&Dot; ¨
&die; ¨
&DoubleDot; ¨
&uml; ¨
&copy; ©
&COPY; ©
&ordf; ª
&laquo; «
&not; ¬
&shy; ­
&reg; ®
&circledR; ®
&REG; ®
&macr; ¯
&strns; ¯
&deg; °
&plusmn; ±
&pm; ±
&PlusMinus; ±
&sup2; &sup2;
&sup3; &sup3;
&acute; ´
&DiacriticalAcute; ´
&micro; µ
&middot; ·
&centerdot; ·
&CenterDot; ·
&cedil; ¸
&Cedilla; ¸
&sup1; &sup1;
&ordm; º
&raquo; »
&frac14; &frac14;
&frac12; &frac12;
&half; ½
&frac34; &frac34;
&iquest; ¿
&Agrave; À
&Aacute; Á
&Acirc; Â
&Atilde; Ã
&Auml; Ä
&Aring; Å
&AElig; Æ
&Ccedil; Ç
&Egrave; È
&Eacute; É
&Ecirc; Ê
&Euml; Ë
&Igrave; Ì
&Iacute; Í
&Icirc; Î
&Iuml; Ï
&Ntilde; Ñ
&Ograve; Ò
&Oacute; Ó
&Ocirc; Ô
&Otilde; Õ
&Ouml; Ö
&times; ×
&Oslash; Ø
&Ugrave; Ù
&Uacute; Ú
&Ucirc; Û
&Uuml; Ü
&Yacute; Ý
&szlig; ß
&agrave; à
&aacute; á
&acirc; â
&atilde; ã
&auml; ä
&aring; å
&aelig; æ
&ccedil; ç
&egrave; è
&eacute; é
&ecirc; ê
&euml; ë
&igrave; ì
&iacute; í
&icirc; î
&iuml; ï
&eth; ð
&ntilde; ñ
&ograve; ò
&oacute; ó
&ocirc; ô
&otilde; õ
&ouml; ö
&divide; ÷
&div; ÷
&oslash; ø
&ugrave; ù
&uacute; ú
&ucirc; û
&uuml; ü
&yacute; ý
&thorn; þ
&yuml; ÿ
&Amacr; Ā
&amacr; ā
&Abreve; Ă
&abreve; ă
&Aogon; Ą
&aogon; ą
&Cacute; Ć
&cacute; ć
&Ccirc; Ĉ
&ccirc; ĉ
&Cdot; Ċ
&cdot; ċ
&Ccaron; Č
&ccaron; č
&Dcaron; Ď
&dcaron; ď
&Dstrok; Đ
&dstrok; đ
&Emacr; Ē
&emacr; ē
&Edot; Ė
&edot; ė
&Eogon; Ę
&eogon; ę
&Ecaron; Ě
&ecaron; ě
&Gcirc; Ĝ
&gcirc; ĝ
&Gbreve; Ğ
&gbreve; ğ
&Gdot; Ġ
&gdot; ġ
&Gcedil; Ģ
&Hcirc; Ĥ
&hcirc; ĥ
&Hstrok; Ħ
&hstrok; ħ
&Itilde; Ĩ
&itilde; ĩ
&Imacr; Ī
&imacr; ī
&Iogon; Į
&iogon; į
&Idot; İ
&imath; ı
&inodot; ı
&IJlig; IJ
&ijlig; ij
&Jcirc; Ĵ
&jcirc; ĵ
&Kcedil; Ķ
&kcedil; ķ
&kgreen; ĸ
&Lacute; Ĺ
&lacute; ĺ
&Lcedil; Ļ
&lcedil; ļ
&Lcaron; Ľ
&lcaron; ľ
&Lmidot; Ŀ
&lmidot; ŀ
&Lstrok; Ł
&lstrok; ł
&Nacute; Ń
&nacute; ń
&Ncedil; Ņ
&ncedil; ņ
&Ncaron; Ň
&ncaron; ň
&napos; ʼn
&eng; ŋ
&Omacr; Ō
&omacr; ō
&Odblac; Ő
&odblac; ő
&OElig; Œ
&oelig; œ
&Racute; Ŕ
&racute; ŕ
&Rcedil; Ŗ
&rcedil; ŗ
&Rcaron; Ř
&rcaron; ř
&Sacute; Ś
&sacute; ś
&Scirc; Ŝ
&scirc; ŝ
&Scedil; Ş
&scedil; ş
&Scaron; Š
&scaron; š
&Tcedil; Ţ
&tcedil; ţ
&Tcaron; Ť
&tcaron; ť
&Tstrok; Ŧ
&tstrok; ŧ
&Utilde; Ũ
&utilde; ũ
&Umacr; Ū
&umacr; ū
&Ubreve; Ŭ
&ubreve; ŭ
&Uring; Ů
&uring; ů
&Udblac; Ű
&udblac; ű
&Uogon; Ų
&uogon; ų
&Wcirc; Ŵ
&wcirc; ŵ
&Ycirc; Ŷ
&ycirc; ŷ
&Yuml; Ÿ
&Zacute; Ź
&zacute; ź
&Zdot; Ż
&zdot; ż
&Zcaron; Ž
&zcaron; ž
&fnof; ƒ
&imped; Ƶ
&gacute; ǵ
&jmath; ȷ
&circ; ˆ
&caron; ˇ
&Hacek; ˇ
&breve; ˘
&Breve; ˘
&dot; ˙
&DiacriticalDot; ˙
&ring; ˚
&ogon; ˛
&tilde; ˜
&DiacriticalTilde; ˜
&dblac; ˝
&DiacriticalDoubleAcute; ˝
&DownBreve; ̑
&UnderBar; _
&Alpha; Α
&Beta; Β
&Gamma; Γ
&Delta; Δ
&Epsilon; Ε
&Zeta; Ζ
&Eta; Η
&Theta; Θ
&Iota; Ι
&Kappa; Κ
&Lambda; Λ
&Mu; Μ
&Nu; Ν
&Xi; Ξ
&Omicron; Ο
&Pi; Π
&Rho; Ρ
&Sigma; Σ
&Tau; Τ
&Upsilon; Υ
&Phi; Φ
&Chi; Χ
&Psi; Ψ
&Omega; Ω
&alpha; α
&beta; β
&gamma; γ
&delta; δ
&epsiv; ϵ
&varepsilon; ϵ
&epsilon; ε
&zeta; ζ
&eta; η
&theta; θ
&iota; ι
&kappa; κ
&lambda; λ
&mu; μ
&nu; ν
&xi; ξ
&omicron; ο
&pi; π
&rho; ρ
&sigmav; ς
&varsigma; ς
&sigmaf; ς
&sigma; σ
&tau; τ
&upsi; υ
&upsilon; υ
&phi; φ
&phiv; ϕ
&varphi; ϕ
&chi; χ
&psi; ψ
&omega; ω
&thetav; ϑ
&vartheta; ϑ
&thetasym; ϑ
&Upsi; ϒ
&upsih; ϒ
&straightphi; ϕ
&piv; ϖ
&varpi; ϖ
&Gammad; Ϝ
&gammad; ϝ
&digamma; ϝ
&kappav; ϰ
&varkappa; ϰ
&rhov; ϱ
&varrho; ϱ
&epsi; ε
&straightepsilon; ϵ
&bepsi; ϶
&backepsilon; ϶
&IOcy; Ё
&DJcy; Ђ
&GJcy; Ѓ
&Jukcy; Є
&DScy; Ѕ
&Iukcy; І
&YIcy; Ї
&Jsercy; Ј
&LJcy; Љ
&NJcy; Њ
&TSHcy; Ћ
&KJcy; Ќ
&Ubrcy; Ў
&DZcy; Џ
&Acy; А
&Bcy; Б
&Vcy; В
&Gcy; Г
&Dcy; Д
&IEcy; Е
&ZHcy; Ж
&Zcy; З
&Icy; И
&Jcy; Й
&Kcy; К
&Lcy; Л
&Mcy; М
&Ncy; Н
&Ocy; О
&Pcy; П
&Rcy; Р
&Scy; С
&Tcy; Т
&Ucy; У
&Fcy; Ф
&KHcy; Х
&TScy; Ц
&CHcy; Ч
&SHcy; Ш
&SHCHcy; Щ
&HARDcy; Ъ
&Ycy; Ы
&SOFTcy; Ь
&Ecy; Э
&YUcy; Ю
&YAcy; Я
&acy; а
&bcy; б
&vcy; в
&gcy; г
&dcy; д
&iecy; е
&zhcy; ж
&zcy; з
&icy; и
&jcy; й
&kcy; к
&lcy; л
&mcy; м
&ncy; н
&ocy; о
&pcy; п
&rcy; р
&scy; с
&tcy; т
&ucy; у
&fcy; ф
&khcy; х
&tscy; ц
&chcy; ч
&shcy; ш
&shchcy; щ
&hardcy; ъ
&ycy; ы
&softcy; ь
&ecy; э
&yucy; ю
&yacy; я
&iocy; ё
&djcy; ђ
&gjcy; ѓ
&jukcy; є
&dscy; ѕ
&iukcy; і
&yicy; ї
&jsercy; ј
&ljcy; љ
&njcy; њ
&tshcy; ћ
&kjcy; ќ
&ubrcy; ў
&dzcy; џ
&emsp13; &emsp13;
&emsp14; &emsp14;
&MediumSpace; ;   ;
&ohm; Ω
&angst; Å
&frac13; &frac13;
&frac23; &frac23;
&frac15; &frac15;
&frac25; &frac25;
&frac35; &frac35;
&frac45; &frac45;
&frac16; &frac16;
&frac56; &frac56;
&frac18; &frac18;
&frac38; &frac38;
&frac58; &frac58;
&frac78; &frac78;
&there4; &there4;
&blk14; &blk14;
&blk12; &blk12;
&blk34; &blk34;
&dfisht; ⥿
&ofcir; ⦿
&race; ∽̱
&amalg; ⨿
&lesdot; ⩿
&subplus; ⪿
&Ascr; 𝒜
&Cscr; 𝒞
&Dscr; 𝒟
&Gscr; 𝒢
&Jscr; 𝒥
&Kscr; 𝒦
&Nscr; 𝒩
&Oscr; 𝒪
&Pscr; 𝒫
&Qscr; 𝒬
&Sscr; 𝒮
&Tscr; 𝒯
&Uscr; 𝒰
&Vscr; 𝒱
&Wscr; 𝒲
&Xscr; 𝒳
&Yscr; 𝒴
&Zscr; 𝒵
&ascr; 𝒶
&bscr; 𝒷
&cscr; 𝒸
&dscr; 𝒹
&fscr; 𝒻
&hscr; 𝒽
&iscr; 𝒾
&jscr; 𝒿
&kscr; 𝓀
&lscr; 𝓁
&mscr; 𝓂
&nscr; 𝓃
&pscr; 𝓅
&qscr; 𝓆
&rscr; 𝓇
&sscr; 𝓈
&tscr; 𝓉
&uscr; 𝓊
&vscr; 𝓋
&wscr; 𝓌
&xscr; 𝓍
&yscr; 𝓎
&zscr; 𝓏
&Afr; 𝔄
&Bfr; 𝔅
&Dfr; 𝔇
&Efr; 𝔈
&Ffr; 𝔉
&Gfr; 𝔊
&Jfr; 𝔍
&Kfr; 𝔎
&Lfr; 𝔏
&Mfr; 𝔐
&Nfr; 𝔑
&Ofr; 𝔒
&Pfr; 𝔓
&Qfr; 𝔔
&Sfr; 𝔖
&Tfr; 𝔗
&Ufr; 𝔘
&Vfr; 𝔙
&Wfr; 𝔚
&Xfr; 𝔛
&Yfr; 𝔜
&afr; 𝔞
&bfr; 𝔟
&cfr; 𝔠
&dfr; 𝔡
&efr; 𝔢
&ffr; 𝔣
&gfr; 𝔤
&hfr; 𝔥
&ifr; 𝔦
&jfr; 𝔧
&kfr; 𝔨
&lfr; 𝔩
&mfr; 𝔪
&nfr; 𝔫
&ofr; 𝔬
&pfr; 𝔭
&qfr; 𝔮
&rfr; 𝔯
&sfr; 𝔰
&tfr; 𝔱
&ufr; 𝔲
&vfr; 𝔳
&wfr; 𝔴
&xfr; 𝔵
&yfr; 𝔶
&zfr; 𝔷
&Aopf; 𝔸
&Bopf; 𝔹
&Dopf; 𝔻
&Eopf; 𝔼
&Fopf; 𝔽
&Gopf; 𝔾
&Iopf; 𝕀
&Jopf; 𝕁
&Kopf; 𝕂
&Lopf; 𝕃
&Mopf; 𝕄
&Oopf; 𝕆
&Sopf; 𝕊
&Topf; 𝕋
&Uopf; 𝕌
&Vopf; 𝕍
&Wopf; 𝕎
&Xopf; 𝕏
&Yopf; 𝕐
&aopf; 𝕒
&bopf; 𝕓
&copf; 𝕔
&dopf; 𝕕
&eopf; 𝕖
&fopf; 𝕗
&gopf; 𝕘
&hopf; 𝕙
&iopf; 𝕚
&jopf; 𝕛
&kopf; 𝕜
&lopf; 𝕝
&mopf; 𝕞
&nopf; 𝕟
&oopf; 𝕠
&popf; 𝕡
&qopf; 𝕢
&ropf; 𝕣
&sopf; 𝕤
&topf; 𝕥
&uopf; 𝕦
&vopf; 𝕧
&wopf; 𝕨
&xopf; 𝕩
&yopf; 𝕪
&zopf; 𝕫